Friday 6 September 2024

Sedge Wren (Cistothorus stellaris)

OTHER NAMES: Short-billed Marsh Wren
Latin Etymology: Cistothorus ("shrub leaping") stellaris ("starry")

Singing Sedge Wren (Cistothorus stellaris) at Buffalo River State Park, Minnesota - July 2024

Featured Subspecies: N/A
Weight: 7-10g/kg  /  Length: 10-12cm  /  Wingspan: 12-14cm
NO UK STATUS IUCN Red List: Least Concern 

Hearing a sedge wren in the grasslands of Northern Minnesota didn't prove too much of a challenge as they were one of the more vocal birds as I walked down the mown track. Seeing one on the other hand proved an entirely separate challenge as even when moving in the grass they never seemed to actually emerge from it which is a shame as they have a lovely subtle patternation.

Related Species:
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Troglodytidae
Genus: Cistothorus
SUBSPECIES: none - monotypic 

 - Sighting Locations -

UNITED STATES - Breeds in Midwest, Winters on Gulf Coast
 - CHICAGO TO ALASKA ROADTRIP 2024: Heard in Minnesota

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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