Thursday 15 August 2024

Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon)

Latin Etymology:  Megaceryle (large + a bird mentioned by Aristotle) alcyon (kingfisher)

Adult female Belted Kingfisher (subspecies Mageceryle alycon) at Necedah, Wisconsin, USA - July 2024

Featured Subspecies: N/A
Weight: 113-178g  /  Length: 28-35cm  /  Wingspan: 48-58cm
NO UK STATUS IUCN Red List: Least Concern

Out of the USA's four regular Kingfisher species, the Belted is by far the most ubiquitous, with the other three largely limited to the Southern Border in Texas. A large bird capable of occupying diverse habitats, it's breeding range stretches as far as Alaska and Winters as far as South America. Unlike many species, it is the female which has the brighter plumage, with the male lacking the orange colouration.

Related Species:
Order: Coraciiformes
Family: Alcedinidae
Genus: Megaceryle
SUBSPECIES: none - monotypic 

 - Sighting Locations -

UNITED STATES - Widely distributed Summer migrant.

 - CALIFORNIA 2022 TRIP: Heard at several locations, but not seen.

 - CHICAGO TO ALASKA ROADTRIP 2024: Seen at Necedah, Wisconsin and Anchorage, Alaska among others

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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