Saturday 7 September 2024

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

OTHER NAMES: Tiger Owl, Hoot Owl
Latin Etymology: Bubo ("owl") virginianus ("of Virginia")

Adult Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) at  Writing-on-Stone National Park, Alberta, Canada - July 2024

Featured Subspecies: presumably Bubo virginianus lagophonus
Weight: 1.6-2.5kg  /  Length: 43-64cm  /  Wingspan: 91-153cm
NO UK STATUS IUCN Red List: Least Concern

A large powerful species of owl with the widest distribution of any "true" owl in the Americas which will take any prey it can overpower. A relation of the Eagle Owls of Africa and Eurasia, it is believe to be descended from birds that crossed the Bering Land bridge. Most prey is killed by crushing with the feet and they are are more than capable of killing decent sized mesopredators including decent sized mustelids, and on rare occassion, cats or small dogs.

Related Species:
Order: Strigiformes
Family: Strigidae
Genus: Bubo
SUBSPECIES: B. v. algistus, B. v. lagophonus, B. v. saturatus, B. v. pacificus, B. v. subarcticus, B. v. pallescens, B. v. pinorum, B. v. heterocnemis, B. v. virginianus, B. v. elachistus, B. v. mayensis, B. v. mesembrinus, B. v. nigrescens, B. v. nacurutu, B. v. deserti

 - Sighting Locations -

CANADA -Present everywhere but the High Tundra
  - CHICAGO TO ALASKA ROADTRIP 2024: - Seen in Alberta

UNITED STATES - Present everywhere in the Lower 48 and all but the High Tundra of Alaska
 - CHICAGO TO ALASKA ROADTRIP 2024: Heard in Minnesota

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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