Saturday, 15 August 2009

Rook (Corvus frugilegus)

OTHER NAMES: Barefaced Crow, Craw
Latin Etymology: Corvus ("raven") frugilegus ("crop-picking")
Adult Rook (subspecies C. f. frugilegus) at Geddington, Northants - January 2022

Featured Subspecies: Corvus frugilegus frugilegus
Weight: 340-530g  /  Length: 45-47cm  /  Wingspan: 80-90cm
UK GREEN LIST / IUCN Red List: Least Concern

Rooks are primarily a countryside species, and the most impressive views of them are undoubtedly seeing a huge raucous flock of them rising from their rookeries, particularly in winter when there are no leaves to obscure the view. That being said, better for photographic purposes are the occasions when they forage on fields, either for food or nesting material. More wary than crows, the best time to photograph them is from behind cover as the groups can more easily spot people approaching and get spooked.

Related Species:
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Corvidae
Genus: Corvus
Subspecies: C. f. frugilegus, C. f. pastinator 

- Sighting Locations -
UNITED KINGDOM - Common resident breeding species (1,100,000 pairs)

 - Birds seen most often around GeddingtonRutland Water and assorted other rural locations.

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red ListRSPBWikipedia, Xeno-canto

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