Thursday, 8 June 2000

Sooty Sea Hare (Aplysia fasciata)

OTHER NAMES: Mottled Sea Hare
Latin Etymology: Aplysia ("dity sponge") fasciata ("banded")
Sooty Sea Hare (Aplysia fasciata) at Siracusa, Sicily - May 2018

Featured Subspecies: ?
Weight: ?  /  Length: up to 40cm
NO UK STATUS Red List: Not Yet Evaluated 

Undoubtedly one of the most bizarre species I have ever seen in the wild.  The Sooty Sea Hare resembles a large, some what winged shape flapping slowly through the water.  I just happened to notice it from the sea wall of Ortigia and observed it's strange movement through the water for a while.  It wasn't until later I was able to identify what I had seen - it is a member of the sea slugs that has developed its unusual wing like structure to be able to swim.

Related Species:
ORDER: Aplysioidea
FAMILY: Aplysiidae
GENUS: Aplysia

 - Sighting Locations -
ITALY - Italian - ?
Found off coast.
 - SICILY 2018 TRIP - A single individual seen at Siracusa

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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