Thursday, 21 September 2000

Coyote (Canis latrans)

OTHER NAMES: Prairie Wolf, Brush Wolf, American Jackal
Latin Etymology:  Canis ("dog") latrans (Latin: "barking")

Adult Coyote (Canis latrans) at Alberta, Canada - July 2024

Featured Subspecies: Plains Coyote - Canis latrans latrans
Weight: 7-20kg  /  Length: 100-135cm 
NO UK STATUSIUCN Red List: Least Concern

One of the closest wild relative of the Gray Wolf, the Coyote is found throughout the North American Continent from the Arctic Circle to Panama and as such plays a significant role in a large number of Native Folklores. They are an opportunistic species that has been able to adapt well to humans, and though secretive, reach some of their highest densities in cities. Their genetic relationship with Wolves is complex, as most North American Wolves contain some degree of Coyote genetic material and some species such as the Eastern Wolf and Red Wolf seem to have originated as hybrids. 

Related Species:
Order: Carnivora 
Family: Canidae 
Genus: Canis 
SUBSPECIES: C. l. latrans, C. l. cagottis, C. l. clepticus, C. l. dickeyi, C. l. frustor, C. l. goldmani, C. l. hondurensis, C. l. impavidus, C. l. incolatus, C. l. jamesi, C. l. lestes, C. l. mearnsi, C. l. microdon, C. l. ochropus, C. l. peninsulae, , C. l. var, C. l. texensism C. l. thamnos, C. l. umpquensis, C. l. vigilis

 - Sighting Locations -

CANADA -Present thoughout most of Western and Central Canada
  - CHICAGO TO ALASKA ROADTRIP 2024: - Seen in Alberta

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus, IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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