Monday, 15 May 2000

Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis sicula)

OTHER NAMES: Ruin Lizard, Instanbul Lizard
Latin Etymology: Podarcis ("swift foot") sicula ("dagger")
Adult Male Italian Wall Lizard (subspecies. P. s. sicula) at Catania, Sicily, Italy - May 2018

Featured Subspecies: Podarcis sicula sicula
Weight: ?  /  Length: 15-25cm
NO UK STATUS / IUCN Red List: Least Concern

A very common species in Italy - found in both urban and rural environments, often in fairly densely populated colonies.  They are also very variable in colour, being found in various combinations of patterns and plain colour gradients making it possible to find drastically different individuals next to each other.  It is also noted for being very adaptable, and quickly evolving to new environments it they find themselves in, with physically distinct populations having been noted as developing in as little as 20 years.

Related Species:
Order: Squamata
Family: Lacertidae
Genus: Podarcis
SUBSPECIES:  P. s. adriaticusP. s. aemilianiP. s. amparoaeP. s. astorgaeP. s. bagnolensisP. s. boleiP. s. calabresiaeP. s. campestrisP. s. caporiaccoiP. s. cattaroiP. s. cettiiP. s. ciclopicaP. s. coeruleusP. s. cucchiaraiP. s. dupiniciP. s. fiumanoideusP. s. flavigulusP. s. gallensisP. s. hadziiP. s. hieroglyphicusP. s. insularusP. s. klemmeriP. s. kolombatoviciP. s. laganjensisP. s. lanzaiP. s. latasteiP. s. massineiP. s. monaconensisP. s. nikoliciP. s. palmarolaeP. s. pasquiniiP. s. paulaeP. s. pelagosaeP. s. pirosoensisP. s. pohlibensisP. s. premudanusP. s. premudensisP. s. pretneriP. s. radovanoviciP. s. ragusaeP. s. salfiiP. s. samogradiP. s. sanctinicolaiP. s. sanctistephaniP. s. siculaP. s. tyrrhenicusP. s. vesseljuchi.

- Sighting Locations -
ITALY - Italian - Lucertola campestre ("Rural Lizard")
An abundant resident
 - SICILY 2018 TRIP -  Very common throughout.

Further Notes: BirdForum Opus,  IUCN Red List, RSPB, Wikipedia, Xeno-canto

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