Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Oriental Turtle Dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

OTHER NAMES: Rufous Turtle Dove
Latin Etymology: Streptopelia ("collar-dove") orientalis ("oriental")
Adult Oriental Turtle Dove (subspecies S. o. orientalis) at Arashiyama, Japan - July 2013

Featured Subspecies: Streptopelia orientalis orientalis
Weight: 165-274g  /  Length: 33-35cm  /  Wingspan: 55cm
NO UK STATUS  / IUCN Red List Least Concern

While it closely resembles the European Turtle Dove, it's role in Japan is more consistent with that of the Collared Dove in the UK - a numerous bird found in parkland and in cities.  As with the collared dove, it is a confiding species which permits close views.  It is found throughout much of East Asia, including Japan.  I saw it a number of times on both my trips to Japan, though generally on both occasions while it was found in the more urban sections of the city, this tended to be alongside to rivers with trees.  At the Monkey Sanctuary of Arashiyama they were a bit bolder, presumably learning to be tame to get a share of the food meant for the monkeys.

Related Species:
Order: Columbiformes
Family: Columbidae
Genus: Streptopelia
Subspecies: S. o. meena, S. o . orientalis, S. o. stimpsoni, S. o. orii, S. o . erythrocephala, S. o . agricola

- Sighting Locations -
JAPAN - Japanese - γ‚­γ‚Έγƒγƒˆ  /  Kiji-bato ("Pheasant Pigeon")
Very common resident. 
 - KYOTO/OSAKA 2013 TRIP: Common throughout Kyoto and Arashiyama
 - TOKYO/HOKKAIDO 2014 TRIP: Fairly common in Tokyo

Further Notes: BirdForum OpusBirdGuides, IUCN Red ListRSPBWikipedia, Xeno-canto

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